
Hello!! thanks for checking out my oage! I hope you enjoy looking around :]

My name is Scribs, I'm what I like to call a "defective" vampire, I'm an animation college student and a cartoon lover.
I mostly draw my ocs but sometimes I'll draw my vtuber friends, but when it comes to fanart that's kind of a rare occurrence for me.

Character Art

• Sketch
Bust = 10
Waist up = 15
Full Body = 20

• Some render
Bust = 25
Waist up = 30
Full Body = 35

• Full render
Bust = 40
Waist up = 50
Full Body = 60

Things to keep in mind
• Additional characters are 75% extra

Character Design

• Base quality [Some render]Slight redesign = 40
Full redesign = 50
Design from 0 = 60

Things to keep in mind
• A collage of picture ideas/references as to what you'd like must be provided to me before I start drawing

Lineless Style 🔴

Examples for what the style looks like

If there's a 🔴 that means you can order it in lineless style


• Base colors = 15
• Detailed = 20
• Some render = 30

Things to keep in mind
• Additional characters are 75% extra

Meme Art

• Sketch = 10
• Detailed = 20
• Some render = 30

Things to keep in mind
• Additional characters are 75% extra

Dancing Fella


• 8 frame dancing animation
• Base color only
• Transparent background
• I will heavily simplify a designs for this



• 16 frame Yippee animation
• Base color only
• Transparent background
• Only hair/head pieces and maybe simple add ons which will also get heavily simplified


Area still under construction


Simple Background
• Base color and or a simple shape/textures are free
•More complex patterns price can range from 5$ - 15$

Things to keep in mind
• Not available on its own
• Required to commission something else to be able to ask for a simple background

Normal Background
•Price can range from 20$ - 60$+
• Price will vary depending on complexity

Complex Background
• 100$ base price
• Price will go up depending on complexity


• Base quality [Full render]
• Background complexity will vary
• Price will vary depending on what you want
• If commission has at minimum:
- 1 full render character (bust/waist/body)
- Normal background
There will be a 10% discount on the final price


Please read through my TOS before commissioning


|| Will Draw ||
• Original Characters
• Fanart
• Light gore/horror
• Couples/polyamory
• Backgrounds

|| Won't Draw ||
• Anything that makes me uncomfortable or I find inappropriate
• Hateful content
• Heavy gore
• Mecha
• Very muscular characters
• NFTs

|| Artist Note ||
• I reserve the right to refuse any commissions.
• Provide a visual reference for characters (not only descriptions)
• Please credit me upon posting the art/other usages (@skellyscribs on all socials)
• I have the right to use the art/post it publicly unless otherwise agreed upon. The commissioner will be credited for character design.
• Commissions are for NON-COMMERCIAL use, unless discussed beforehand and therefore an extra fee will be charged
• Wips will be sent if requested
• I'll most likely simplify complex details (ie: complex patterns, jewelry)
• Please be understanding if it takes some time (up to a few months) to complete the commission. If I think your commission will take longer than usual, I will let you know.

|| Payment ||
• Payment through paypal (usd)
• Full payment upfront before starting
• Complex props (such as weapons) and designs may cost an additional fee
• I will not accept refunds once the commission is started
• Full refunds are only available when I haven’t started on your piece at all, or under a special circumstance, in which case we can discuss it

|| Revisions ||
• Revisions of the sketch for detailed pieces are allowed
• Minor revisions will be fixed upon request
• If it’s agreed that I’ve made a mistake on my end, revisions will be done for free
• Wrong/lack of information on your end doesn’t count as my mistake

By commissioning me you are agreeing to the listed Terms and Services
TOS is subjected to change at anytime without prior notice

Commission Status

- Always Open :] -

Of course you can ask for anything from the main menu as well not just these.
And if you have any questions on any of these ask away! I don't mind answering! :]

If there's a 🔴 that means you can order it in lineless style

Character Sheet

Simple Character Sheet

Existing Character = 20
Character redesign = 35
Designing from 0 = 40

• 1 full body and a bust in base colors
• Custom color palette
• Name and a fact about the character
• A sketch of the character this can be of anything you'd like to emphasize

Detailed Character Sheet

Existing Character = 70
Character redesign = 80
Designing from 0 = 85

• 1 full body in some render
• Custom color palette
• Name and basic traits about the character
• 2 base color sketches of the character this can be of anything you'd like to emphasize
• Texturized background theming around the character

Complex Character Sheet

Existing Character = 90
Character redesign = 100
Designing from 0 = 120

• 1 full body in detailed render
(can have a second one to reveal what's underneath one piece of clothing)
• Custom color palette
• Name and information card, can be traits or story summary
• 3 base color sketches of the character this can be of anything you'd like to emphasize
• Custom pattern/texture background and simple themed boarder (if the client has these asests from their stream there will be a discount on the final pricing)

Interactive PNGS 🔴

Simple PNG
• 30$ for simpler style with minimal render
• Additional expressions will be 20% extra

Complex PNG
• 65$ for normal style in some render quality with eyes open and closed
•50$ for simpler style in some render quality with eyes open and closed
• Additional expressions will be 50% extra

Doodle Page

• 45$ for 5 drawings per page

• Price only accounts for 1 character for the page of doodles any extra characters will be charged extra depending on how many times they appear
• If more doodles are wanted a 50% - 75% will be charged per doodle
• Complexity is determined by me
• I have creative liberty on how the character(s) if not told specific things you'd like me to draw

Things to keep in mind
• I will need a description/explanation on how the character is personality wise to understand what sort of doodles to do with them


Simple Comic

3 - 4 panels = 30
5 - 6 panels = 35
7 - 8 panels = 40
If more panels are asked/needed there will be extra charge of 75% per panel

• All are in a simplistic style you can ask for custom colors for characters
• Script or description/explanation on how the characters personalities and story/scenario are required so I can understand how to draw them
• I am willing to help with the script for free but depending on how much work I do I will need compensation
• If this is a reenactment of a moment that was recorded by chance a video of said moment will also count for the script

Complex Comic

Prices for Lines
8 panels = 60
10 panels = 70
12 panels = 80

These prices only count for :
1 - 3 base color for everything
• Custom accent color for character lines
Simple Backgrounds for when it's needed (not in every panel)

If more panels are asked/needed there will be extra charge of 75% per panel

If less panels are asked/needed than the ones listed there will be discount of 10% per panel

• Script or description/explanation on how the characters personalities and story/scenario are required so I can understand how to draw them
• I am willing to help with the script for free but depending on how much work I do I will need compensation
• If this is a reenactment of a moment that was recorded by chance a video of said moment will also count for the script
• You can ask for slightly more render for ambience purposes for a 30% extra


• 50$ for each and it includes 2 minimal render characters any extra will be charged 75% for each
• You can provide a background and I will edit it to be clean a slate under the condition it's not complex or cluttered
• If not I can make a background following the Simple Background prices, this will be charged separately

Emotes 🔴

• 20$ for 1 emote
• 60$ for a pack of 6 emotes
• References to what emotes you'd like are required or you can ask me to show you the ones I have saved and choose from there


Hello!! If you're here that means that you're a mutual and or friend of mine! :]

A bit of a TOS and an explanation for this so please read through this before commissioning me

What is this place you may ask well to put it simple I'm absolutely biased with my mutuals and friends (in like a healthy/nice way don't worry) and give them a bunch of perks when it comes to commissioning me!

I will now explain both perks and rules

• I let them you bypass the fact my commissions are open or closed, if you're here then that means you can ask for commissions from me at any moment and I will add it to your own personal tab!!

• You can also pay me for the commission you ask for at any moment be it while I'm working on it or after or in payment plans but point it there's extreme flexibility with this no pressure I will just add it to the tab, BUT!!!! this is only allowed under the condition that you do not give me a deadline or rush me for said comm.

What this does is if life were to happen and you can't pay for the commission in the normal time there won't be any consequences for you but that also applies for me in the case I have to put my attention towards something else and can't work on your comm

• A way better one on one service
(let me explain)

It's not that in non mutual/friend commissions my service is bad no no no not at all, it's just I am very awkward with people I'm not close to so I try to keep it professional and I don't give much of my input unless given artistic liberty or asked for advice when the client can't decide and such.
BUT HERE THAT'S DIFFERENT since we're mututals/friends that means I'm way more comfortable with you so I'd be more than happy to throw ideas around and around together to get to something you'd be satisfied with as an end product as well as many revisions in case you change your mind about something or the design for whatever character or object you asked for changes but of course within reason I will not redo almost finished aspects without some compensation

• You can choose from commission options that I don't have listed in my main commission site!!


Some of these the reason that are not on the main site is because I'm still practicing my skill at those to a point I am confident to release to the public so for those you'd basically be like the guinea pig in this practice, but of course I will always try to make a good quality final product!
Some others of these the reason that are not on the main site is because I somewhat don't enjoy to do them very much because I don't have a good grip on them or have a way to do them that I enjoy so I take longer on them and or get frustrated at myself but like a lot in art I have to work on it various times to discover the ways I'd enjoy doing them even if I don't know them at the moment so don't be afraid to ask for any of these options in fear I won't like doing them!! that's also another reason I put them here I love drawing stuff for people I care about so this is perfect practice! :]

• Do not abuse of this please

The reason I let you into this secret section is because I trust that you understand that I consider you a mutual/friend that doesn't mean you can ask me for many art pieces and expect me to work on them non stop and only on yours and not do anything else but that I go to college and have assignments that take first priority even if a commission have been paid I also have a life outside of making art that sometimes requires my full attention and sometimes I just want or need to take a break from doing art for others or just in general so please understand that.
You are allowed to ask for many art pieces just be considerate and know I'm just one person

• Please don't mention that you're allowed in here publicly or to others unless you're sure that they're also allowed here

It just seems rude to mention that you're part of something that's clearly biased while others aren't it just feels like bragging and no one likes that, but you can ask me for commissions publicly and if someone were to ask just tell them that I asked not to share but if they really want to know then to go ask me

• Please communicate any issue you have

This is for clarity and safety in cases that for example we've talked about payment but something came up so you'll need to delay said payment, I will also ask and make sure you're able to pay and still be okay financially because if you won't I will refund any payment you do
In the case that you'd like to remove a commission you've previously asked for, for whatever reason and more cases just please let me know so I know what to do after receiving said information

By commissioning me you are agreeing to the listed Terms and Services
TOS is subjected to change at anytime without prior notice

Prices for Full Render
8 panels = 150
10 panels = 180
12 panels = 220

These prices count for :
• Fully rendered characters
• 2 normal backgrounds that can be reused in multiple panels
If no backgrounds are needed there will be a 20% discount and you can ask for free Simple Backgrounds

• Script or description/explanation on how the characters personalities and story/scenario are required so I can understand how to draw them
• I am willing to help with the script for free but depending on how much work I do I will need compensation
• If this is a reenactment of a moment that was recorded by chance a video of said moment will also count for the script
• If you ask for backgrounds those will be charged separately with the Normal Background prices,
Note the backgrounds will be in lines only just like the rest

If you're interested in commissioning me contact me through Twitter or Instagram